Sunday, August 12, 2012

Write or Bust!

Interview looks like it was a bust. I'm incredibly thankful for Naughty Readers blog for having me for the interview - I think they do a great job with the whole format and approach. Did not get much in the way of comments the first week, and therefore no one attained a free eBook of The Sexual Reeducation of Melissa. I'm kind of amazed by that. Not a single comment. But then, it is always possible the type of book The Lord Z Chronicles are doesn't exactly match up with the blog readership. Erotica is a funny thing - you know what turns you on and what doesn't. Simply wasn't quite their cup of tea. I guess. I mean, I don't even know - there were exactly zero comments. I don't know what anybody thought about it. Even a "this sucks" comment would've been something.

On the other hand, I have received some great comments from others and compliments on how hot they thought the stories were. Naughty Shorts Vol 1: Lesbian Inspirations has been the most popular title by far. Nothing in the way of a review or comment on a blog, but direct comments to me through Twitter. It is for those who enjoy the stories that I continue to write. There are a few who like it, maybe even many and for those shy but avid readers, I promise to continue to create.

I have been hard at work with the next publication - the first book in the Get Your Kink On short story collection. It's been slow going. Struggling a bit with some writer's block. Still plugging away, but it is like writing through mud. Never give up and eventually you'll break through, at least that's my philosophy.

Keep the faith and read more erotica!

Search for Mangus Fitzpatrick on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords for the quintessential Mangus Fitzpatrick library:

The Sexual Reeducation of Melissa
The Sexual Indoctrination of Melissa
Naughty Shorts Vol 1: Lesbian Inspirations
Naughty Shorts Vol 2: Bondage Tales
Naughty Shorts Vol 3: Threeplay!
Freely Kinky Volume 1

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